The Royal Society, a Portrait Group of some of the Most Distinguished Fellows. The Graphic, 20th July 1889. Professor G H Darwin Plumian Professor of Astronomy Cambridge, Mr Francis Galton Anthropological Institute, Mr W T Thiselton Dyer Kew, Mr R H Scott Sec Met. Office, Dr William Huggins Astronomer, Mr W H Preece Electrician GPO, Lord Rayleigh, Dr John Evans, Prof. E Ray Lankester, Mr W H M Christie Astronomer, Dr Edward Frankland Chemist, Mr Norman Lockyer Prof. Astronomy, Prof. A W Williamson, Foreign Secretary, Sir Gabriel G Stokes, President, Sir Joseph Hooker, Prof. J J Sylvester Savilian Prof. Geometry Oxford, Professor T H Huxley, Dr Archibald Geikie Dir. Gen. Geol. Survey, Prof. John Tyndall Physicist, Prof. Cayley Sadlerian Prof Pure Mathematics, Sir Richard Owen Palaeontologist, Mr W H Flower CB Director Natural History Departments British Museum, Mr William Crookes chemist.